Logical Marriage

At the airport
Delayed flight
Everyone in a disarray
And some just hanging around
One amongst them is me

A middle aged woman seeks my help to help her open a packet of sweetened supari

I abide

Then I take the liberty of asking her to watch my bag as I go to get my hands on some books to gorge while I have the free time

I return blessed by two

She then takes the liberty of leaving her bags in my care as she goes to get a cup of coffee

And this nameless friendship continues back and forth until the flight gets on track and we are on our way home

Amidst it all out of curiosity on whether she can trust me I guess

She tries to get to know me- What brought me here and where I come from

Amongst all things I mention I was here to see my future in-laws

And she drops a question many usually ask- love or arranged?

I say kinda both.

This has troubled me because I don't seem to have a readymade narrative I can pick out from human culture or history to fall back on or something people can readily relate to when it comes to this choice we have made.


Not that we are head over heels for each other.

Not that it was the starting point anyway of this pact.

Not that we are not into it either

And not that we don't think it won't happen.


Not that we were introduced to each other by family or friends.

Not that we found each other through some matrimonial website.

Not that it was the starting point of this pact either.

Not that it isn't some kind of arrangement too.


The only word I seem satisfied with, which comes closest as of now.

He says you and I would anyway get married to someone so why not each other- I think indeed that makes sense.

He says we can help each other- I think heck yeah!

He says with time things will develop- I think yes, with some due reservation but enough confidence on proximity that makes all things well.

A logical marriage yes,

Without all the frills, and with all the conscious care to make it work

A logical marriage yes,

Without much drama, but with enough communication and listening to make it sail

A logical marriage yes,

Without the pain of much of external opposition, yet with a constant awareness of any internal discomfort

Logical marriage

I wish I had thought this up sooner so I could've told Kala so..

But I guess every prompt is a push in the direction of creating new narratives

If not for others,

Then just for widening the horizon of possibilities for oneself~

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