7th September, 2010

Here today, from another day

Hi Krsna!
I am at this juncture where i feel i have seen everything in life and i am at peace with the world where i have no serious issues with anyone...
Death- I think this is the time for it coz this is the time when the adventures of my age are at an end and i am at the threshold of adulthood where new adventures start with its own load of experiences..
If not now, then i guess death shud come in peace when i turn 100...afetr the adventures of the next level r over...
But i have a dream of doing something about the critical issue where humans are afraid of measly things like marks, passing, rejection..which drives most of them to death...really sad...life is so much more than these frivolous things
Education is the root i think which if worked upon cud really bring about change
Government system is another and the more critical one coz that is the place where laws are made, universities are headed, ppl are supervised..that directly or indirectly is the root which needs to be cleansed or uprooted.
the inadequacy of one human being at the top leads to inadequacies one cant imagine at the bottom inadequacies which have driven ppl to death voluntarily or involuntarily
Every human being must have the basic needs to survive only then will he or she get the time to indulge in things deeper which life offers things like art, music, dance, basically creativity expressed by exploration of oneself
today, sadly most of us are in the race to earn a living and not realising that once v have earned enough to sustain our living v can afford to indulge in our true interests but instead v keep goin further n further down the line of earnini more n more so v can afford to have the so called luxuries of life..
For example, if i am wearing clothes off the street today, tomorrow i will get to wear branded clothes
today, if i go to dhabbas for food, tomorrow i can go to 5 n 7 stars
today, if i own a measly phone, tomorrow i can own a blackberry or stuff that apple produces
But in all of this, clothes remain clothes i.e. they cover ur body,food remains food i.e. they fill ur stomach, phone remains phone i.e. u get to keep i  touch wid ur loved ones...
So wot is the big deal???
Is it bout quality??? i think that is an illusion coz not all brands offer that, not all hotels offer that n not all phone companies do so either!
So wot is it that v as a human race are running after and craving for???
It is the respect that v give to the lee coopers n the 5 n 7 stars, the blackberries!!!!\
So, who has taught us to respect them?
Media? Newspapers? Internet? Roadside billboards? yeah n where do these come from? from the brands themselves....
So wot do we learn?
If u hve enough money to advertise yourself n ur stuff n call it the best and the never known before..u can make people like u and respect u!!!
So if a really amazing dhaba which is in a pretty unknown spot is sponsored for advertising itself, it is gonna be the next fashion fad of the year!!!

So wot r we doing here? Aren't we just fooling each other? just creating respect around things that dont really matter so much to life????
V hve a mindset in our society now which revolves around these things which i must say has been created and fed into our system which is creating all the pain, stress of the life as we know it today.
Where does this leave us?

How do we as a society shake this mindset off of its pretensions and create a new one where there is place for things that really matter i.e. love and respect for everyone irrespective of what they own but for who they are....?? 

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