
Ok, so this is something that's been doing rounds in me and poured out a few days ago. I'm sharing this now because I just found this really awesome kindred spirit(or she found me? I'd liked her song "Not As We" then but now I'm back and here to stay!) who reminded me of these splutterings that wane in front of her crisply clear lines!

The moment I say something, something else comes along challenging that statement. If I say I'll do this, I never get around to doing it, as if just the saying of it killed it or got done with.
If I say I won't do something, somehow circumstances force me into that and I see how baseless my statement of not doing it was.
It's as if the Universe is just waiting to pounce on every assumption and statement I'm making as if trying to say how limited it is!
Indeed it is as I look at the journey so far! Now, I feel like I've arrived on an edge from where I can see everything- this side and the other side and I see how pointless and limited it is being on one side. Maybe I don't belong anywhere specific except perhaps the edge where I can see nothing yet everything.
I do feel at home while on the move and I get restless eventually if I linger at a place too long. Unless that place is transforming too!

Alanis sums it up just tooooo well:
If I arrive at some concretized version of what I'm investigating (aka: an answer" a theory" a chart"!), I giggle and move to crack it and dissolve it. These days, the whole process of my life involves defining things, crystallizing and distilling them, then letting even that go. And then letting even this concept of letting that go, go.


So, dearest Universe, I'm glad that you are right here- out to break me free from me-to drive away all the illusumptions(illusionistic assumptions in case you are wondering where that came from) that limit the limitless possibilities I can be; transforming each moment into a gift that are opening more and more doors and windows left and right and around. I'm loving it! Bring it on!


  1. fantastic to find these lines "These days, the whole process of my life involves defining things, crystallizing and distilling them, then letting even that go. And then letting even this concept of letting that go, go" :))
    ditto here also!! :)
