'What do I change, K?'
You don't need to change anything. It happens on its own.
'Then what do I do?'
Just allow it to happen.
Ahoyyy therrre! Welcom'aboard ze ship fer an adventurrre ride'o'magic. If'ye find'yerself resonatin'wit' or'inspired wit'any o'ze thots'expressed 'ere, be'glad to'ear from ye. Might've picked out some'o'yer thots y'know? Makin'ze lovvvely world'ere feel looove for'tself, one cap'n at'a'time, one dreamship at'a'time; that's'ze Thunderbolt's dream. What'be yerrrs'...me wonderrrs..?
'What do I change, K?'
You don't need to change anything. It happens on its own.
'Then what do I do?'
Just allow it to happen.
I can never choose for another.
And I see,
That I never want to nudge another,
In any particular direction.
No matter how much I may see or know, No matter how much one may trust me.
What I can do at most, is prompt-
So one may recognise the nudge of their inner self~
After all,
We all have our paths to walk
And who am I?
To decide
Or push another to do a particular thing
Which may not be in their best interest?
After all,
How am I to ever know?
Which each can best recognise only themselves-
No matter how "advanced" or "holy" or "authorised" or "knowledgeable" another may be?
And who am I,
To claim ownership-
On any damn moment of another's life?And take away their joy,
Of owning their life,
And every moment that forms it?
Unless ofcourse,
We choose to give each their due,
In helping shape our lives,
In gratitude.
I will never be one
To ever,
Take away that joy from another-
The Joy of Owning One's Own Life :)
Truest deepest most heartfelt dream:
Most valued:
Being held in regard, thus holding all other in regard.
Most feared:
Being trampled over, thus ensuring no trampling over anyone.
Most loved:
Being real.
A Little Princess on Ram Navami and it has Ramayana elements in it... 14-04-2019
The Hunchback of Notre Dame a few hours before the Cathedral is in news for a fire and the film shows it surrounded by fire... 15-04-2019
I will not patronise you
Nor will I ever feel sorry for you
There really is no need
If there is anything I shall do
It is to stand quietly by your side
When the world steps aside
And when the world steps back in, cheering you on
Expect me not to stay put
Because there will always be others it leaves behind
In this flux of attention and ignorance
I will stay on holding this space
For you to grow beyond all fallacies
Meet me there if you will
For there is where
I shall ever remain
Why do you tear yourself apart,
To hold others together?!
Don't you see?
That when you are torn,
The world is torn;
And when the world is torn,
You are further torn?!
Stop this foolishness, I say
Stop this foolishness...
Reclaim your right to be whole,
Your right to call out every asshole;
And your right to say what is,
Without the burden of carrying its blame.
Wake up, I say
Wake up...
Lest you may find yourself left wondering,
Why the world never heals-
Why it remains torn in shreds.
While you fail to ever see,
How you bleed-
When you tear yourself to shreds.
Just stop, I say
Just stop...