Tell Me Your Dreams

If you were to die today,
Live your life would you in what way?

If you were to die now,
Change your life would you know how?

If you were to die tomorrow,
Burn away would you your sorrow?

What do you really truly wish to do?
Tell me. We'll make it true.

What makes you feel good?
Tell me. Give me some thought for food.

Is there something you've always wanted to be?
Tell me. What dare stops you from thee?

Come on! Quick!
Pick yourself up slick!

The time is now.
I'll show you how!

Tell me all-
I won't let you fall.

No matter how this may seem,
This is indeed my dream.

Help me help you.
I'll be your friend all the way through.

I await in readiness.
All you gotta show is willingness.

Hop in. Feel free-
Tell me.


Do you do your best in each moment in the process creating attachment? Or do you keep away? In both cases knowing full well that in the end we are all going to leave?

Leave with having done something
Rather than nothing
Make a difference
Fulfill your destiny

That worn out bunch of tissues

Lost deep in thought walking along the path
I stop short of a bunch of tissues white
I look closely and see a blossom
I look around for the source but find none do I
And I pick it up with all the glee, passing my thanks to dearest Uni.

"You found that on the road, didn't you?" says he.
I nod with a giggle and ask- Pick it up then why didn't he?
"I didn't have the time to stop."
And I see that it was meant for me.

I sit and meditate on its form so free
And see its side run-down brutally.
My heart must look like thee, says a voice in me
I pause and ponder the faceless plea
And avert my eyes from the truth that I see.