
In transit
From home to away and away to home
Many moments of homeliness come a-greetin'
An experience that has recurred from time to time
Bringing to notice that Community,

It exists,
In all the spaces in between the nodes that we define
In all the people that we meet o'er tiny leetle insignificant moments or so we opine~

The Shoemaker
The Mobile Service Provider
The Vegetable Seller
The Banana Seller
The Bus Driver
The Iron Press Fellow
The Many Others that fill those insignificant moments with something priceless-
A feeling of homeliness

It may not really begin there
Yet as we recur moment to moment
A familiarity builds in
Allowing space,
For more than just a job or a chore-
A space for a silent pact of friendship
That glimmers through warm greetings
Through generosity in giving
Through smiles unbidden,
As we participate in a seemingly insignificant daily chore-
Making that daily chore, a daily gift-
Of yet another greeting of unspoken friendship-
A friendship where we connect with that cord-
A cord that connects us all in the weave of humanity-
A weave that breathes warmth and freshness-
As it nestles in the care of the Universe~

Community exists
Maybe not as we would imagine
Maybe not as a singular collective, that can be indicated at once with a point of a finger that there- That's where I belong!
But a multi-centered collective, that could not be counted, or even pointed at, at once, for quick and easy simple sharing, but one, that can be counted on in all the spaces in-between~

The faces change, the places change
But the Spirit,
It never fades
It never fails
It always remains
Ever by your side
Always true
In the here and the now.

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